Space-efficient, innovative lifts & platform lifts

Thanks to our compact platform lifts, it is possible to adapt to disability or increase accessibility.

Existing buildings
It is space efficiency and high quality that make our platform lifts the preferred choice for renovation and refurbishment.

New buildings
Simple solution to solve accessibility requirements.
News: Motala B6
Motala B6 is a lift according to the Lift Directive (EN81-20) and is probably the most space-efficient lift in the world. With Motala B6 you get the most space in the car in relation to the space required by the self-supporting shaft.
Watch the video as we visit Wilzéns, one of our collaboration partners.
Motala Hissar receives a visit from Stena Recycling
Motala Hissar is working actively to support the environment and minimize its climate footprint. The work to improve our processes and reduce the amount of scrap and other waste is continuously ongoing.
Welcome to a tour with us
Instructional films
What’s new
Read our interview with Andrea Veggian, CEO of our group company Innovalift.
Interview with Andrea Veggian, CEO of our group company Innovalift. What is your roll in Innovalift?– I am the CEO since beginning of the year. What’s your background?– After the technical study I started to work as entrepreneur in my family company producing...
We are now honored to announce that we have become part of INNOVALIFT. We are still owned by Latour. Innovalift is a group of leading companies in the elevator industry that will focus on sustainability, design, product quality and innovations. Elevator...
Our elevator policy
Motala Hissar started in 1972. Since the 1980s, the company has focused mainly on platform lifts, which are predominantly used for accessibility adaptation of buildings. Over 10,000 lifts have been delivered to customers worldwide. Around 60% of production is exported.
Nu har en av alla glada vinnare hämtat ut sitt pris från Motala Expo! Stort grattis till Erik Backman 🤩
Wow kolla in den här nya installationen av en B6:a i Grenoble, Frankrike 😍 Visst blev det fint?
Nu har vi varit på besök i Singapore hos Arian Ltd och Stefan passade på att drömma sig bort lite till att vara en del av F1-cirkusen 😅
Yesterday we had a very nice visit from Italy by our colleagues from Vimec Mr Fausto Miari and Mr Graziano Calciolari.
They not only managed to have a nice visit to Motala but also to come to a snowy Sweden. As usual, we think it`s nice to have visitors.
Kom och träffa oss på Motala Expo fredag och lördag (inte hela gänget men en del av oss 😅 )! Vi ses i monter N4 där vi står med härliga Wurth, passa på att vinna fina priser och ta del av massa annat spännande!
Tipsa gärna vänner och kollegor så vi får se en fylld mässhall i Motala!
Vi ses!
Följ med på en genomflygning genom nästan hela vår fabrik, från pressen, genom en truck, till svets, genom lackering och vidare 😍